
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Big Linux - An awesome Linux distribution

Dear readers is with great pleasure that I present the Big Linux Kde 11.10, released last February, and this distribution based on Kubuntu 11.10 oneiric, which was released with a delay of almost five months compared to Kubuntu.


So, what is the Big Linux is a distribution that has the KDE graphical interface and is designed almost exclusively by a person in the blogosphere makes itself known as Big Bruno, this version was released after two years interregnum between the Big 4 Linux and the current 11.10.


This distribution features installed by the source is ideal for those starting in the Linux world, all codecs are present and virtually no need to install anything, but advise to install the software center Kubuntu restricted extras.


In Linux 6 months is enough to change much this is the speed of development of the applications presented in this magnificent OS, and that the new versions based on Kubuntu 12.04 LTS that will have a support of five years, has brought huge improvements just to give you an example despite the demonstrated stability of KDE 4.8.2 is the latest stable version for the oneiric and is present in this distribution, the new stable versions are huge improvements already have 4.8.4 with some bug fixes and an even greater fluidity in their use, but great strides are made ​​in two vetoes version 4.8.90 which will give rise in early August to kde 4.9, in addition to having yet been fixed more bugs the opening speed of any application is stunning even in this beta version 2.


    Published By: Pplware

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