
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Judge forces Apple to admit that Samsung did not copy iPad

The patent war between Apple and Samsung is nothing new and has brought huge troubles for both parties.

However, after several victories that Apple had to face "If Android" is starting to have major problems in the various European courts where they have open cases.

The news was released by Bloomberg had knowledge of the decision of the British judge Colin Birss, in charge of the case in the UK.
The case began on July 9 and in this first decision, on one side in favor of the two companies, the judge concluded that the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and 7 did not breach the iPad design patents because they do not follow the same lines of simplicity and are not as "cool" as Apple's tablet.
However, the final decision was scheduled for today and could not have been worse for the Cupertino giant.
The judge forced the creator of the iPhone to write a statement in both its British site as in various newspapers and magazines in the country, noted that the Samsung did not infringe the patents of the iPhone design. It could be worse, to advertise its biggest rival in your own site. However, the decision does not end here, in addition to Apple being forced to advertise to your rival on your site, is also required to keep the statement for six months to clear the bad impression to the South Korean giant.
Also in Germany and the United States Apple has opened in the same case, however, Samsung does not have the same success, as in Germany Judge Lucy Koh concluded that the tablet has violated design patents iPad, thereby ending by banning their sale on the German market.
This decision was important because this is the first final decision that distinguishes the design of the iPhone's design Galaxy Tab and it is the first attempt at balance.
However, ironically, these decisions to ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1 of several markets, no longer make a big impact on the Samsung, since the tablets in question are largely obsolete and were replaced by more modern models and a design not so "Like iPad".
After this decision and the decision of the case HTC Slide-to-Unlock, it came to a German court finds that the Motorola Xoom did not infringe design patents iPad, making Apple's attempts to ban the marketing of such equipment in the European market very difficult.
However, as would be obvious, the Cupertino giant appealed this decision by the British judge as too bad to have to advertise to your rival in your own site.

    Published By: Pplware

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