
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Google has more detailed maps in Europe, Africa and Asia

Whether traveling abroad or to explore their own city, it is important that the maps which carries are understandable, comprehensive and easy to use.

Google is to improve the Maps in order to help you find sites that are meaningful to them, wherever they meet.

We therefore have provided updated maps of Vatican City, Croatia, Greece, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Lesotho, Macau, Portugal, San Marino and Singapore.

As happened in previous updates, new maps are more detailed and precise. For example, Ireland now has an excellent coverage of the national heritage areas as well as more detailed coastline.

They also added many names and local points of interest such as airports, universities and public squares.

The ferry connections in many places are also more detailed and better identification of the same. The boat trips are one way preferred by some travelers to explore a city and these improvements will help you find the ferry routes to do so. Is it even possible to use Google Maps to get directions using the ferry.

In addition to the modifications mentioned above, the local roads these maps can now be accurately distinguished in view of the main roads and on the other hand, names in different languages ​​are now also available for a large proportion of roads in many of the target update.

These improvements give users a better visual effect of the place and allow easy navigation through the area when it is in place.

It is clear that the world around us is constantly changing and, therefore, are also now accessible in these countries make the tool "Report a problem". Can use it to send a description of making corrections so that they can incorporate in the maps, in many cases within days.

The following improvements made ​​to the recent announcement of the availability of the new images of Antarctica and are part of Google's effort under way to develop maps that are understandable, accurate and easy to navigate.

Established partnerships with various officials to ensure that Google Maps is a reflection of each corner of the globe. Ultimately, a map is as good as the information that I'm in your base. The maps developed will help to ensure you have accurate and updated the world around them.

Homepage: Google Maps

    Published By: Pplware

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