
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Soft2base, install and update multiple applications

It has been said countless times to update all of our computer applications is an extremely important task, above all to reduce the risk of security problems. Now update all of our applications can take several hours, I speak for myself, and laziness / or predisposition to such a lack of time are crucial factors that often end up in demoralizing. Therefore, and as I have a special taste for practical tools, useful and accessible to all present the Soft2Base: a free and portable tool that provides its users with a catalog of self-updating software, and will do everything for us with only few mouse clicks.

When running Soft2base are automatically presentados with a complete list of all compatible applications, grouped into different categories. Currently there are only 61 but the names of the applications software that are accompanied by well written may be: Adobe Reader, Firefox, Google Earth, Firefox, iTunes, Thunderbird, CCleaner, etc, etc, etc..

The level of understanding of program logic could not be simpler: each application has a colored icon associated. The green icon represents the current version is already installed, an icon for download in color purple in case there is a new version comparison and one that we have installed a blue icon to let us know that this particular software is not installed in our machine.

The Soft2base can automatically update all installed applications or adding new applications for our collection. The addition of new applications is also very easy.

A simple interface and the main applications listed intuitively make this simple tool into a powerful weapon of daily use. For now, the only problem I see here seems to be the (still) small number of applications that brings the 61 previously infomadas.

Licence: Freeware
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Download: Soft2base 2.0.400.10 | Link Oficial [858.2KB]
Homepage: Bernigaud

    Published By: Pplware

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