
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

iPhone 5 will be thinner

The latest rumors about the next iPhone take for granted that the next smartphone from Apple will be thinner than the current model.

Uma das imagens não oficiais que circulam na Net e que antecipam a forma do próximo iPhone 

Rumors about the iPhone come at a breakneck pace, but gain importance when other are advertised in The Wall Street Journal. According to this newspaper, the iPhone 5 will use a new touch screen technology that enables this component to be thinner. The major difference is the integration of tactile sensors on the panel cells - typically, the tactile capacity is obtained with the addition of another layer of the screen, making it more dense.

But should not only be responsible for the display thickness reduction. According to different sources cited by The Register, iPhone will include a battery and a thinner rear cover metal instead of glass, which will also help to achieve the 7.9 mm thick, significantly less than the 9 3 mm presented by iPhone 4S.

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